Customer Documents


The Customer Documents option is used to manage documents and customer comments entered using Customer Management or Customer Inquiry.


This option is used to manage the comments and reminders necessary for a collection procedure.



  • Documents must have been created by clicking the Documents icon in Customer Management and/or Customer Inquiry.





Generate comments linked to a customer


To manage collection calls using this option, a specific category for these calls must be created and configured by clicking the Configuration icon. The Display Collection Category shortcut tab on the menu bar limits the display to calls in this category.

  1. Enter the required information:



Entry Date Range

Date the document was created.

Due Date Range

Reminder date entered when the document was created.

Completed Date Range

Completed date entered in Document Management.


Category selected in Document Management when the document was created.

NOTE: You can attach a file template to a category when you create it.

  1. In the Customer section, select the customer(s) for which documents should be printed.
  2. Click Accept.


See also